Tear of a Negro Woman

I found a negro woman

who was weeping,

and begged her for a tear

I could analyze.

I collected the tear

(taking utmost care)

in a test tube

that had been sterilized.

I observed it from one side

to the other, and in front:

it seemed just a drop

of very clear air.

I extracted it with acids,

with alkalines, and salts,

and such substances as used

in these cases.

Probed with ice,

and lit with fire,

it gave the same result


Neither blackness

nor anything foul was found,

almost only purely water

and sodium chloride.

António Gedeao


  1. Just wonderful, my Dear! And do you know that I am, presently, in "a António Gedeão mood"?
    And yesterday, when I nhew Mel Ferrer had died I immediately was sure that you were going to speak of him. I just love Audrey Hepburn, too. Are you following my personal view about Africa? Well, it´s personal. May be is not The Truth, but it is truth. My truth.
    Be happy, Carmo


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